Saturday 9 July 2011

Live Fashionable: Living fashionable

Live Fashionable: Living fashionable: "Living fashionable isn’t about being on the top of the new trends, but rather personalizing your own style. As written in the Elle fashion ..."

Living fashionable

Living fashionable isn’t about being on the top of the new trends, but rather personalizing your own style. As written in the Elle fashion magazine: “To be truly fashionable we should adopt a personal style."  No one is the same; we all have different tastes to what we like and what we would prefer.  Don’t just be a fashion follower, but take what’s fashionable at the moment or even in season and make it your own.  If it’s clothes, accessories or décor, be you in all that you do and not some picture torn out of a magazine. Yes, we do get ideas from the pictures we see in magazines, pamphlets and on the web or even on TV, and that’s how we’re creatively stimulated. But never forget to place your own signature on the design. *

Friday 8 July 2011

Hey to all Bloggers!!

I’ve just been thinking about a few topics to blog about... I will soon be writing! So keep your eyes open for my articles! It’s going to be all about how to make your life easier in a fashionable way for you as a consumer and making you feel fashionable while invigorating your life with new ideas, plans and making you think more creatively... Hope to be posting soon! 
